Tuesday, September 27, 2005

~*Communication in General*~

I've been wanting to blog about Communication in General for awhile now, and today seem's like the right day for it During my study year's of doing Foundation Studies in Health Care and Foundation & Community Skills Course, I have done three comuncation course's.

Communcation is the correct way to have a conversation between two or more people, it doesn't work alone. For communcation to really work, the person listening need's to listen and hear what the person is saying. The person talking then has there turn to listen and hear what the other person is saying, as this communcation between the two people is really working well. Also each person needs to read each other's body-language or emotions if using text. The reason I have made listen, hear, body-language and emotions BOLD is because they are the three key elements to good communcation. If you only do one of these, then communcation breaks down, meaning that the person listening will not actually hear what the person is really meaning.

When a person is listening to you and not hearing you, then they are starting to assume this is what they heard. By listening and hearing well, or by reading text (same as listening) and hearing what they say/type is real communcation.

There are losts of ways of communicating, but they all still have the three main key elements. Other communications are by e-mail, fave to face, groups, internet chats in groups or with two people, sign language and many more ways.

Everyone isn't perfect and no one communcates perfectly, it's nice to make sure that Communcation is near perfect to get a good outcome.



Anonymous said...

I really like your blog! Mine is about referral marketing if you are interested. I'll be sure to be back to your blog soon! Thanks!

::Zissy:: said...

I really like this piece about communication. It's hard enough in realtime to understand what someone is trying to convey to you but online it has even more obstacles because we can't hear the tone in which something is said. I have had my troubles online with several people but if we really care about one another we take the time that it takes to work it all out not just turn tail and run because that is very childish and doesn't accomplish anything.

Hugs, Zissy

smilesnzz said...

Hey Zizzy:)
Thanks, I think communcation is very important and yea it can be hard both ways, face to face, in groups, over the net, by email etc.