Friday, September 12, 2008

Job work in Process - Workbridge Meeting Update

Well I just got a call this morning from my support person S letting me know that the T from Workbridge I met on Monday said that Workbridge won't fund any equipment for me as they are the last source of funding!!!! For god's sake, why didn't Workbridge tell me this before I even completed the Job Support Application form and got all the other pieces of information I needed. Why didn't T not ring me herself and tell me the day after our meeting? she had all my contact details as well.

We were told to go to Work and Income to try the Modifications Grant to help get the equipment. I googled this and read about what the grant is for etc. It sounds like it might work but then again there are a few issues that come into it. The workstation is the biggest thing that needs changing or a tray/desk funded for me. I also need a ID's and other stuff to attach to my here we go all over again. I'm meant to start in October.

I almost feel like turning the job down and looking for another job that has a better size work area!! Getting equipment and transport funding is just as hard as finding a freakin job.

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