Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dr's, Bad Night and X-Rays

Yesterday I decided to pick up a prescription and see the Dr about my sore rib area as it's not getting any better pain wise. The Dr poked around the back and side of my ribs to see where it was tender and check for bruising. The pain is towards the front side of my rib cage, not right next to the sternum/breast bone and not right on the side underneath my armpit or at the back. I could have done a few things, a rib strain, cracked a rib or even popped off the cartilage holding the rib to breast bone but treatment is pain relief for all injuries and may take up to 3-6 weeks. Gah that's a bit too long so I hope the pain relief kicks in fast, mainly at night. The Dr ordered an x-ray which I can do this week at another clinic, covered under ACC. I wheeled home and my rib area around the front really hurt on movement and when I breathe, the pain was worse that afternoon than anytime before.

Last night was awful, I was in so much pain while trying to get myself ready for bed. I couldn't get my right leg compression stocking off so went to bed with it on. It took me about 30 minutes to get into bed, compared to 5 minutes. I couldn't lie flat on my left side as it was making breathing hard and very sore so I had to sit the head end of the bed up into half sitting position to get some comfort. I lasted about an hour like that as I got pressure on my heels and bottom so I had to turn over to my right side. I had the head end sitting up a bit again and slowley over time lay down flatter. I didn't sleep much at all last night due to not getting comfortable and the pain, the Nurofen I took before I went to bed did nothing at all.

Getting up, showered and dressed for today was easier as I was warm after my shower which helps my legs be less tight/stiff and less pain in the rib area. Once I was in my powerchair I felt more comfortable.

I rang the nurse at my Medical Centre asking if my Dr can prescribe me some stronger pain relief for nightime so I can get some sleep and feel more comfortable. I got this delivered to me this afternoon.

I went with Dad to the Clinic to get a chest/rib x-ray done. The two lady's were very good with me and they were able to take the x-rays while I sat forward in my chair with foam pieces behind me, oh and the x-ray film. I had 4 x-rays done and took copies home and was told that my Dr should have the report in the afternoon.

I've just rang the Medical Centre to see if the report has gone to them and it has, I asked for a copy to be sent to me. Report say's that the ribs are all in tack which is good, no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The left lung and cardiac area is all clear and normal.

Basically I may have damaged the area where my rib cartilage attaches to my rib bone at the front/side (not the front/side where the cartilage attaches from rib to
sternum/breast bone)

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