Monday, January 19, 2009

Tendinitis, Bursitis or Torn Rotator Cuff

I have had some shoulder pain over the last week on movement so decided to get it looked at by the Doctor. I think I need some anti-inflammatory tablets to help relive the pain and inflammation as it could get to the point I can't move my arm. I've had this problem twice before, once was worse than what I have now so I know the signs well.

I notice the pain more when pushing my manual wheelchair at night and in the morning, showering and dressing and during some transfers. I use my arms a lot too so I'm probably overusing the shoulder area.

The Dr had a look and moved my arm around to see where the pain is on movement and is not sure which of the above it is, but it could be Rotator Cuff that's bothering me as it fits the movements. I was given 10 days of Celebrex 200mg tablets to take, one a day to see if that fixes it. I normally have 2 weeks worth but that's close enough so I hope it will help my shoulder. My Dr ordered an ultrasound to be done too just to see what is going on in my shoulder, if it heals then I won't need that.

Info on these found HERE

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