Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My First Day At Work XD

Today was my first day at work and it went well. I'm doing 4 hours from 12.30pm to 4.30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I'm basically being trained on the Basic things today and was shown how to use the photocopier which I will use on the odd occasion. It be a couple months before I do complete bookings but before that I can take information for bookings and hand it over to the Co-Managers, I just need to know what information I need to ask for. I was shown where the Office Manual was so I can read it as it will tell me how to do certian things eg get answer phone messages etc. I didn't do any hands on work today so it was 4 hrs of listening and gathering information.

The work area is very small and I have just enough room to turn around to go back out of the room. If someone sits at the other part of the corner desk then I can't move really, so space is very limited. The first thing that was done was to keep the floor space clear of objects so I don't run them over, as there modem was on the floor so it needed to be moved. Once my corner desk is in place and we setup the desk then it should be better. I noticed today that when I was sitting at the desk and G was talking to a customer at the window and the other Co-Manager came in to put something away in a draw and I felt in the way. I'm hoping that we can improve where things are so that I don't feel like I'm in the way and draws are easy to get to with no one in the way.

I was disappointed with the taxis though as they got me to work 15 minutes late errrr and arrived 15 mins late again to take me home. They did tie my chair down really well, compared to some other taxi companys so that was a good thing.

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