Monday, January 12, 2009

It's my 36th Birthday

Another year gone so another birthday pops up and this is my 36th birthday today!! I'm getting old, time to rewind hehe Nah I don't feel too old, not yet anyhow. Anna sent me a test with some birthday wishes so that was nice.

Today I'm just enjoying the sunshine and doing some things I need to do. I went up the road this morning to pick up a form from the Doctor's, then went and got some veges. I forgot to ask Mum to stop at the vege shop yesterday as it would have been a little cheaper, but oh well I got them now. I sent of my renewal for my parking permit so should get the new one soon. Casey has been sleeping most of the day as it hot outside.

I'm glad to get my carer back tonight to cook and clean as she been off for three weeks and I've been cooking and getting some hot fat burns. My house needs a clean up too so she got some work to do. UPDATE at 755pm: My carer never turned up and it turns out she has another freakin week off. So bad communication between her and the company or one of them has stuffed up.

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