In one of my PSP Groups we have a monthly contest and this months one was to design a graphic: kids back to school. I came up with this lol
Monday, August 29, 2005
~*Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardey*~
Yesterday I went out with family for a drive to Matakana. It was a really nice day too so we were lucky with the weather. We stopped at Morris and James Pottery and Cafe, and had lunch there which was really nice. I had rare beef (which I asked for it to be cooked longer) and salad and a nice cold beer. We ordered at the right time too, as after we got our meals, there were lots of people waiting to order.
After lunch we had a look at the nice Pottery. While some were still looking I went outside and wheeled around. My brother and Dad took some photo's of me and I said I would take one of my brother, and he said nah and walked right up behind me while I was wheeling around to try and take a photo. heheh it was a funny site. Here are some photo's below..
Me outside at Morris and James Pottery and Cafe at Matakana
and the beach was Omaha.
The beach was nice, I wish I could wheel on the sand and feel the water on my feet. I miss being able to swim in the salty sandy water with the waves crashing onto me and diving in and out of the waves.
Friday, August 26, 2005
~*My Graphic's*~
I am on a PSP creative roll today and have created my first Slat which was easier to make than I thought. I have also created myself a Tranquility Reflection tag which looks awesome and a siggi girl tag.
Tranquility Reflection
My Tag
~*Swimming Dolphin Globe*~
Here is a Swimming Dolphin Globe I did yesterday, it took me all afternoon as it was difficult and I had 22 images to work on in Paint Shop Pro. Once I had created the globe, I had to add sparkes to all 22 images, then same them. I then had to add single bubbles to all 22 images and save them again. The animate it:) I'm very proud of it.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
~*My Globes*~
I've been learning how to make Animated Globes today and they are fairly easy, I just have to remember my layers. Here are three globes I made. Not sure how to make them transparent, without the white background.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
~*Auru Colours*~
I went and tested my Auru
Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited, energetic, and childlike personalities in the aura spectrum. Yellows are wonderful, sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help heal the planet.
Yellows can either be very shy and sensitive, or they can be the life of the party. These playful characters have a great sense of humor. They love to laugh and to make others laugh. Yellows believe life is to be enjoyed. They like to live life freely and spontaneously. With a perpetual smile on their face, they remind people to not take themselves or their problems too seriously.
Yellows would prefer not to work at all, unless their work was fun, playful, or creative. They love nature, and often have concerns for the survival of wildlife and the environment. Dogs are very drawn to Yellows and often become their best friends.
If you want to see what your Auru color is, go here AuruColors
10 Years Ago Today: I was still living with my family out in the Country side.
5 Years Ago: I moved into a flat and got my Independence back.
One Year Ago: I was dealing with lots of leg Ulcer's.
Yesterday: I went to my sports practice and played hockey and rugby, it was a lot of fun. Dand and I then went to do my food shopping..
Tomorrow: I might go down to the mall if the weather is still nice, otherwise I will be home on the net blogging, playing neopets and making some graphic's.
5 Snacks I enjoy: popcorn, musli bars, weetbix with butter and marmite on them, cheese n crackers, manderains.
5 Bands That I Know The Lyrics to Most of Their Songs: R.E.M, WestLife, Pink, Dragon, Coldplay and Abba.
Things I Would Do With $100,000,000:
Get some land and have my purpose build Dreamhome which is opened planned and all flat. Have an accessiable spa, pool and spa bath. Get a van I can wheel into with my wheelchair and drive the van myself which would give me full independence. Get a car for my brother, sister, Mum and Dad of there wish. Buy family member's a home if they need one too. SHout them a trip to there dream Country. Save the rest, if any.
5 Locations I'd Like To Run Away To:
Austraila again, Tour United States, Japan, Paris, and Tour more of New Zealand at my pace.
5 Habits I Have: drinking coke, get on the net to check emails/ blogs/blogging/fourms/neopets/my groups, cleaning my chair, playing with my aquapet,
5 Things I Like Doing: Electric Wheelchair Sports = hockey/soccer/rugby, blogging, neopets, shopping, PSP (paint shop pro).
5 Things I Would Never Wear: mini skirt, tube top, bikini, jandels, jeans.
5 TV Shows I Like: Big Brother, Surviour, Shortland Street (NZ Soap), SCU Serious Crash Unit. Supernanny, McLeod's Daughter.
5 Movies I Like: Titanic, LOTR, Bad Boys 1 & 2, Harry Potter, Grease.
5 Famous People I'd Like To Meet: Johnny Depp, Leoandeo Capreo (sp), Will Smith, Keauna Reeves, John Trovolta (sp).
5 Biggest Joys At The Moment: Getting people to listen to me, being happy, knowing summer is on the way, good friends.
5 Favorite Toys: computer, aquapet, my hockey stick to practice outside, texting on my mobile ph, dvd's.
5 Tag Teamers: Jennnn, Mandy, Sunny, Pinkiehill and jerneedog.
Friday, August 19, 2005
~*Part 3 - My Wheelchair Seating Process*~
Part Three - Had my meeting yesterday at the cushion place. G was there, and the two custom tech people and my Mum. I asked G, if the other support person was coming, G said she is sick and she didn't want to cancel the appt.
The guy at custom tech kneeled down to my height, looked at me and said " I would like to hear from you, what you find not right with this cushion and what you want, as I want to make it right for you" no matter how long it takes.
WOW I was shocked, this was great, I then took out my list and said everything. I even said this is the STF height on my Arrow, the J2 deep contour cushion is perfect, can you give me the angle I have on my Arrow and give me the contour my J2 cushion has. That is what I wanted and told him the reason's why it had to have the angle including the contour of cushion etc. I also said the cushion doesn't fit the width of the seat pan, can it be made the right width too.
He totally understood what I needed!! I then showed him how easy it was for me to get onto the J2 cushion and compared that to the foam cushion. height was wrong too.
He took both cushions and chair into the back room and modfiyed the foam cushion.
Basically he did what I suggested to G at the beginning. He added a wedge of firm foam to make the STF height at the front 19" and then had the cushion on top of this. He had cut out the hard foam of the cushion and added softer foam and made the cushion fit the base too. He also added more contour etc. He added a loan slippery cushion cover as well, similar to my J2 cover. Basically I was getting sore over the last past weeks, as I sat on the egde of the cushion and it was too flat.
Two and a half hours later the guy came back in the room with the chair and cushion and I was quite impressed when I saw it. Now to sit in it hehe. It felt nice and soft, I had the contour I needed and the height was good.
I got into my chair today, and have sat on the cushion for 5hrs so far with basically no pain!!! I do have a dull pain on the right side still but bearable. I need to try the cushion for a week, have the guys number in case I need something done.
Overall I felt the custom tech guy that modfyed the cushion, listened to me, heard me, understood me and could understand the problem's I was having with G. It was the best seating meeting ever!!
Now if G had arranged this appt when I asked awhile back, then we proably have got somewhere. I think she didn't pass my messages onto the custom tech people in the correct way. I think she also stuffed up the first measurements and not accepting the wedge idea.
So x fingers that this cushion is a go
~*Part 2 - My Wheelchair Seating Process*~
My wheelchair therapist rang to ask how I am getting on with the cushion. First thing she asked was: are you at home? I said yes, she asked have I got your right phone number '#blah' and I said yes, she asked if I was on the Internet and I said yes, she goes well that explains it then... I said to myself huh what are you going on about. I said to her, it doesn't matter if I'm on the internet, I can still use the phone and I have been out today and sometimes I can't get to the phone in time or I'm not available to answer the phone. For goodness sake, you think someone in her job field would understand that!!!
She asked me how the cushion went and that she needs to close my case as it's been open for a long time. I said that I got sore again and uncomfortable etc. Basically she interupted me as I spoke and asked me again and I said I'm trying to explain to you. She asked me where I was sore and I told her. She asked me to tell her excatly where I was sore, trying to tell her over the phone was hard, let alone her butting in and asking me more questions. I told her what I think the problem is, and she disagree's with me and said she won't argue about it.. I was like ohhh ok I was only saying what I thought was wrong. She won't listen to me!! If I am the person sitting on the cushion 24/7 then I'm sure to know what is wrong. I asked her to orgainse a meeting with the custom tech people to come and see me on the cushion and see for themselves what is happening and what is not right. I am having to tell my therapist, then she is telling them, not sure if the correct messages are being passed on. Then they tell her something, then she tells me. She won't arrange meeting.
As far as closing my case, yes it's been open for a long time, I don't care!! I don't want to be left with a cushion that I get sore on and end up with pressure sores!! I said I want to be comfortable before you close my case, that should be the priority here, not how long my case is open.
Well today my therapist rang me and said that she has talked to the Custom Tech people about me saying I was still sore on the cushion etc and they are going to re access me.
~*Part 1 - My Wheelchair Seating Process*~
Part One - I got a new powerchair in February and also needing new seating, a cushion and a back cushion. This might be hard for some people to understand due to not knowing wheelchair technology but I will try my best to give you a picture of my long seating process, please bear with me
My new powerchair is called a TDX 5 - has Tarsy Seating System with Electric Tilt/Recline and Electric Elevating Legrests.
Since the TDX Tarsys Seating System 'seat base' comes 'Standard Flat', it does not have the option of adjusting the seat base to be angled to suit my needs. I need the rear of the seat base to be lower than the front.
Anyhow due to this seat base being flat I am having to go from my current Jay 2 Deep Contour Gel cushion (has another gel pad on top due to pressure sore I had a year ago) to a Custom Made Foam cushion to get the seat angle I need and the comfort I need.
On my Arrow (old chair) I had the ASBA adjustable seat and had the rear lower than the front. The Seat to Floor height at the Front is 19" and at the rear it's 18".
I was not keen at all to go to a foam cushion. I said that I don't want to have a sweaty bottom in the summer, foam gets smelly and mouldy etc. I was very concerned. The custom tech person's came and did an accessment and measured it all up. I told them and my therapist excatly what I didn't want from foam and also the seat cover had to have a slippery cover so I could transfer and slide myself back on the cushion. These are very important to me as I am Independent. They took it all in and could see I was worried. I was told that the foam has improved over the years and they use memory foam.
I got my new foam cushion 2 weeks after this meeting to try for a week. I transfered onto the cushion and tried to slide myself back onto the cushion which was really hard due to the cushion being to soft. I got really sore within an hour so I tilted the chair back, then I had to get out of my chair as I was in too much pain. I wrote down everything that wasn't right and needed improving and they took the cushion back the next day.
I got my foam cushion back, chest harness and a new seat belt. Took awhile to get the seatbelt and chest harness setup. I don't like wearing the chest harness as I can't do a lot, but I will use this mostly in the van on long trips. I then tried the cushion and it seems better than it was, it needs some more foam at the front. I have sat in the cushion for over an hour and I'm not sore, just some pressure on my heels. This is because the front of the foam cushion is still too low, need's more foam.
Monday, August 15, 2005
~*True Friendship's*~
After reading some blogs on Friendship's, I thought I'd write about True Friendship's.
To me a True Friendship are two friend's who care for each other, have respect, help each other, laugh together, have fun, honest and don't judge others. Your true friend is someone who returns there caring nature back to you when you need it, help you when you need it, and much much more. Basically they are there for you too.
A friend who love's your attention, help, caring, respect, fun etc and doesn't reurn it is not your true friend. They may be a friend still but that's about it.
- True Friend's are those person's that return your friendship.
- Friend's are those person's that enjoy your friendship nature
I have a few True Friend's in real life and online, but mostly friend's What I find hard in a friendship is some of my friend's can give out jokes, hassle me and when I give it back, they can't hack it. Also when I care for my friends if they are sick, visit them when ill, help them getting a job, writting a letter, doing jobs for them etc, they don't bother helping me if needed or even a thank you, sometimes that is forgotten. I just think sometime's friend's use their friend's for there own needs, eg it's all about them, no one else.
Just some thought's on Ture Friendship's and Friendship's..
Sunday, August 14, 2005
~*Sling Shot*~
When I was in Australia for my sports tournament in 2000 we had a free day. One of the things I really wanted to try in Sufers Paradise was the Sling Shot. There it was, so Dad and I went and watched some people being flung up into the air by the sling shot. The Sling Shot operator was waiting for two people to get in the sling shot for the ride of their life, next minute I was getting into the sling shot seat!! I didn't even think, I just went. It was a mission to get into the sling shot seat from my wheelchair as I couldn't walk from wheelchair to seat. I had to park my wheelchair so close, then transfer to seat with help from Dad. I was strapped in and ready to go. The operator reclined the sling shot quite far back so I was facing the sky. On the count of 3, I was being flung up into the sky with 8 G' Force going 120km. Talk about awesome!! When I got so high the sling shot pulled me down with such a force I was lifted off the seat. This was when I got a bit worried but then I was bobbing up and down in the sling shot taking in the view and the excitement. That was the best thing I ever did, what an adrenalin rush. I was given a video of my reactions being flung up in the air and a t-shirt. The experience is something I will never forget, totally awesome!!
Ready to Launch - 8 G's and 120km
Coming down
~*My Interesting Week*~
I finally finished my Harry Potter book and I want to say so much, but I won't spoil it for others who are still reading it. I am now going to read the full set hehe
I guess you could call me addicted to Harry Potter, it's crazy but true.
I have been creating letter stats for IncredMail and it's a lot of fun. Some of the letter stats other people have made has blown me away. I am creating new graphic's in psp and enjoying that.
Something I made
I did my first HTML 101 Course which involved 5 lessons and an exam and I passed!! Waiting for my certificate to be emailed to me. I have signed up for the next course which is Tables. HTML looked scary to me at first and while doing the lesson's I actually enjoyed it and HTML doesn't seem as hard as I thought.
I watched the Tri Nations game last night, All Blacks vs Australia and it was a tight game. It was a really good game actually, both teams at a similar level but of course the All Blacks WON!!! They won 30-13 way to go All Blacks.