Sunday, February 26, 2006


Image hosting by PhotobucketI went to Speedway last night with my brother Ben and it was a good night. We found a good spot to sit at this time. It was the Sprint car championship tonight and I was going for Allan Wakeling (Kohan car), the car in the above picture and he won too!! The sprint cars were doing 30 laps and he started near the back, then was in second spot. Half way through the last lap the USA guy leading the race lost some control over his car on a corner and Wakelling (Kokan) took the lead and won the race LOL you should of heard the crowd roarrr. I went into the puts to have a look at the cars half way through the evening and at the end of the night I went onto the race track with a friend of mine also in a powerchair and we drove around abit. Ben and I then went through puts again before heading home.

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