Monday, June 22, 2009

Home Help Issues

On top of all the transport issues I'm having to deal with I've also got Focus 2000 problems as they can't find anyone to do the home help I need, at the times I need. The lady that was doing the home help and cooking is now just doing the cooking for an hour each night.

Focus 2000 want me to change my hours to suit them so they can find someone to come do the home help during the day, but it doesn't work like that as they are meant to work around me. I'm also not sitting around waiting for someone to come do my home help when I could be out and about. It's not that easy for me to get transport for me to get home so they can do the home help then go out again. If I go out, I make it a day outting to be worth the taxi cost.

Anyhow I've given them some time slots and still waiting to hear from them, been about two weeks since I emailed them. Might have to try a different agency.

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