I rang one of my Employer's to arrange a date for the desk to be delivered, sometime over the xmas holidays to find out he is not happy with the desk length. G was saying that the desk length wouldn't be long enough and he's not happy about adding another table to add extra length as it not really suitable for them as they work more hours than I will be doing. I suggested the spare shorter desk they have but G said no as he doesn't like that desk and it would be shorter height wise (they could raise the height with blocks to fix that!). Well dam if he wants the extra length then he shouldn't be complaining about how the desk looks, it be covered anyhow with paper and work stuff.
I explained that most standard corner desks will not be the same length as there current 'custom made desk' and the one I'm getting is also height adjustable to suit all of our height needs. G wants to talk it over with R (OT) and the other employer in the office and I said that probably won't work as WorkBridge has to pay for her to go out again so I said I will see if I can get R to ring him. I said that the whole point of the workstation assessment was to get a suitable workstation for me to work off and that would suit all staff as well. M the other employer was there during the whole workplace assessment and was fairly happy with it all but I think G is the main one that gives the yes or no. I bet that they only use the end length of the desk to store stuff on anyhow.
There current L-Shape 'custom made desk' measurements are below
270cm (2700mm) length/width - main working part
190cm (1900mm) length/width
70cm (700mm) depth
Height Adjustable Desk Ordered for me is
160cm (1600mm) length/width - main working part
160cm (1600mm) length/width
70cm (700mm) depth
DIFFERENCE (in length/width - main working part) = 110cm (1100mm) 1.1metre
R (OT) said at the assessment it's either a height adjustable corner desk or nothing as it's such a small office and we don't have anymore solutions.
So much for things turning around from being a nitemare to going smoothly.
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