Thursday, January 12, 2006

~*Happy Birthday to Me*~

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I had an awesome birthday. I just relaxed for the day then my brother came over and we watched Mr & Mrs Smith and it was pretty good. We didn't have to pay for the dvd either as it was a pressie from the store:) We then met up with the rest of family at a Thai place and had a very yummy Dinner. I haven't had thai food for years and it was really nice. We had a variety of different foods to share between us all.

I got some pressies too, clothes, Harry Potter calendar, some money, some dvds and some other little things:) One of the dvds I got was called 'Inside I'm Dancing' and the two main characters are two guys with disabilitys, one has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and the other has Cerbral Palsey. I watched it and it was really good, funny and sad.

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