Thursday, December 29, 2005

~*Christmas Day*~

Image hosted by Photobucket.comChristmas Day arrived bright and early for me, as I had to be ready early to be picked up. Dad arrived and wished me a Merry Christmas and then we headed to the airport and picked up my sister Anna. We then went back to Dad's where everyone was there. We had morning tea which included Mum's home made mince pies and some wine and it was really good, along with catching up with everyone and having a good time. The weather was pretty good, we sat on the deck in the sunshine which wasn't too hot, just right. I saw a Dove, these Dove's seem to be here every christmas, here is a photo of one..

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I think it's pretty and I almost got to touch it, but it backed away from me lol..I took a few photos as I love taking photos, so check them out below...

~*Anna and Jenn*~

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~*Christmas Tree and pressies for all*~

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~*Dinner Table-Theme ia Silver and White*~Image hosted by

I have a bunch more photo's but those were the ones I wanted to share. We had a different table stting theme for lunch too hehe, we like themes as it make's it look nice too. We had a late lunch which included hapkuku fish, tuna, prawns cooked in garlic n butter which spelt good but I don't like pawns, mussels, potato n bacon salad, green salad and a few other little things and of course wine:) We used Mum's big coloured wine glasses too.
We then got stuck into giving and recieving pressies and that was fun. Even Ben's dog got a pressie hehe it was an identity charm for the dogs name to be ingraved on it and the contact number. It was quite long and it touched the floor so it will need to be shortened. I got some nice pressies including a 208 cd/dvd case holder, some cash, clothes, Kahlua, chocolates, bottle of white wine and a heap of dvds and some other things:) Mum and Dad got a DVD player from themselves hehe it was funny as the label was addressed to Mum and Dad, from Mum and Dad hehe Everyone got some really nice things.
We then relaxed, chatted and had some wine for the rest of the day. For dinner we had a variety of meats, chicken, lamb and pork with roast vegetables and salads etc, it was so yummy!! For pudding we had christmas pudding and brandy butter and a fruit sponge too. We had crackers too along with another gift so that was special. Around midnight Ben and Anna let of a few fireworks and that was really kewl! One firecracker fell off the deck and went shooting in all directions under a tree heheh..that was funny. I had a great christmas day with my family:)


::Zissy:: said...

that sounds absolutely beautiful and the picture that you drew for my mind will last a lifetime.

Hugs, Zissy

smilesnzz said...

Hi Zizzy and thanks for the lovely comments:) awww that's sweet:)
hugs back to ya:)