Sunday, November 06, 2005

~*Guy Fawkes*~

Image hosted by Photobucket.comLast night was Guy Fawkes night and everyone was letting off fireworks. I didn't have any but I was able to watch some all around me as all my neighbours were letting them off. The dark sky was flashing with all kinds of lights, bangs and sparkles, it was neat. This went on right through the night.

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Artistic Soul said...

Oh fun - I love fireworks!

::Zissy:: said...

Well I didn't know what the celebration was about but with a little research I found out and I'm happy you had a good time. :)

Hugs, Zissy

for those that would like to know what all the fuss is about go here:

smilesnzz said...

Hi ZIzzy, lol yea I guess New Zealand do different things to other countrys. Halloween isn't big here at all anymore.

smilesnzz said...

Hi wiccachicky, nice to hear from you:) Yea I like them too

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I loved Guy Fawkes Night...there was this programe on TV where they did an experiment to see if Guy Fawkes and his team would have actually succeded to blow up the houses of they built an exact replica of the houses of parliment and blew that up using the same amount of was really interesting.
Some fire works are really pretty...I'm not too keen on the noise