Opps I kinda forgot about my blog but I'm here now updating again. A few updates are listed below since last time I blogged...
Work Status - I managed to sort out my transport to and from work with Dial-A-Ride, Workbridge were happy for me to stay usig them so it all worked out. There have been hicups where the person adding the jobs for the next day forgets to add me to the drivers list, so this meant I was forgotten some mornings. I still got to work just 10-15mins late. This has got better now so I've been on time and not late to work. Work itself is going great, I'm still enjoying it and know what I'm doing more each day. It never stops though, I arrive and it's all go till I go home, getting a bite to eat is hard at times.
I haven't been to another rugby game for awhile, but I might be able to go to a cricket game inthe Summer.
Winter has gone---->>YAY and Spring is here, soon Summer.
That's pretty much all the updates since I last blogged.