Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Job work in Process - Community OT Update

I have contacted everyone I know that might be able to help me and all of them have referred me to Workbridge un-aware of Workbridge's new changes. I have also checked with a the organizations I'm a member with as they might be able to provide me with an OT that works there if they have one.

Disability Resource Centre (DRC): I talked to a friend who works at the Disability Resource Centre (someone who has used Work Bridge for their work and again was shocked to hear Work Bridge won't help till I try elsewhere) who gave me some OT contacts. Only one of those OT's maybe able to help but I'm waiting to hear from them on Friday.

CCS: I contacted another friend who works at CCS who also has a physical disability and used Work Bridge for their work and again were surprised to hear what I told them. They have no Workplace OT's available.

MDN: I've also contacted the Muscular Dystrophy Branch Northern (MDN) and talked to them (another friend who has a physical disability and used Work Bridge) about Work Bridge and where I can find an OT to do a workplace assessment or someone in that Profession. MDN found it hard to believe that Work Bridge won't help me as my first source of funding for equipment. MDN contacted Work Bridge in another area and checked this out and was surprised to find out — that if someone was currently on a benefit, they have to apply to WINZ first as Work Bridge are what they call themselves 'last resort' for funding. If I wasn't on a benefit it be a different story. We found this really strange as Work Bridge are there to help, yet they are putting another barrier in front of us, before we can actually get into the job.

My Community OT: Only does home and home equipment assessments via Ministry of Health (MOH)

Wheel Skating is so much Fun!!

I went to the Paradise Ice Skating Arena today with my friend Richie, his carer and her daughter. I had so much fun wheel skating/drifting, doing sliding 360's hahah I felt like a kid!! It was 4 degrees in the arena too, but I was having too much fun to worry about the chill in the air. We found a very slippery icy part and just went full speed into it and then into a turn on the icy part. I'd love to try this is my Arrow on a very fast drive as I'd do a lot more sliding XD

Where we wheeled onto the ice

Me and Richie on the Ice

Not sure about getting on the ice

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Daylight Savings

It's daylight savings time again. Last night before I went to bed I put my clocks 'forward' one hour. I lost an hour of sleep last night but I got up at 9.30am this morning which would of been 8.30am and I do feel tired today.

We get more light in the evenings now... YAY more BBQ time, I love BBQ's and also like havng more light in the evenings. It be dark in the mornings but that won't affect me really.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Brought an Apple iPod Universal Dock

I didn't go to sports today as I don't want to aggravate my rib area and make it worse. Instead I went food shopping with Mum and Dad and had some lunch at The Coffee House, which I had yummy fish n chips.

I finally brought myself a iPod Universal Dock, which my iPod Nano will sit in and charge and synchronize my iTunes music.

I don't have to unplug and plug in the USB cable all the time now. It looks kewl too sitting on my desk.
Apple Universal Dock Overview-----CLICK ME

Friday, September 26, 2008

Managing my rib pain with Codalgin

I'm managing the rib pain with some pain relief called Codalgin which I take morning and night, I can take some during the day if needed. I can now carry on with doing things without too much pain now which makes things easier for me. During the night I can feel some discomfort in the rib area but can get some sleep. I still wake up more needing to get comfortable again, but once this lessens then I know it's healing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dr's, Bad Night and X-Rays

Yesterday I decided to pick up a prescription and see the Dr about my sore rib area as it's not getting any better pain wise. The Dr poked around the back and side of my ribs to see where it was tender and check for bruising. The pain is towards the front side of my rib cage, not right next to the sternum/breast bone and not right on the side underneath my armpit or at the back. I could have done a few things, a rib strain, cracked a rib or even popped off the cartilage holding the rib to breast bone but treatment is pain relief for all injuries and may take up to 3-6 weeks. Gah that's a bit too long so I hope the pain relief kicks in fast, mainly at night. The Dr ordered an x-ray which I can do this week at another clinic, covered under ACC. I wheeled home and my rib area around the front really hurt on movement and when I breathe, the pain was worse that afternoon than anytime before.

Last night was awful, I was in so much pain while trying to get myself ready for bed. I couldn't get my right leg compression stocking off so went to bed with it on. It took me about 30 minutes to get into bed, compared to 5 minutes. I couldn't lie flat on my left side as it was making breathing hard and very sore so I had to sit the head end of the bed up into half sitting position to get some comfort. I lasted about an hour like that as I got pressure on my heels and bottom so I had to turn over to my right side. I had the head end sitting up a bit again and slowley over time lay down flatter. I didn't sleep much at all last night due to not getting comfortable and the pain, the Nurofen I took before I went to bed did nothing at all.

Getting up, showered and dressed for today was easier as I was warm after my shower which helps my legs be less tight/stiff and less pain in the rib area. Once I was in my powerchair I felt more comfortable.

I rang the nurse at my Medical Centre asking if my Dr can prescribe me some stronger pain relief for nightime so I can get some sleep and feel more comfortable. I got this delivered to me this afternoon.

I went with Dad to the Clinic to get a chest/rib x-ray done. The two lady's were very good with me and they were able to take the x-rays while I sat forward in my chair with foam pieces behind me, oh and the x-ray film. I had 4 x-rays done and took copies home and was told that my Dr should have the report in the afternoon.

I've just rang the Medical Centre to see if the report has gone to them and it has, I asked for a copy to be sent to me. Report say's that the ribs are all in tack which is good, no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The left lung and cardiac area is all clear and normal.

Basically I may have damaged the area where my rib cartilage attaches to my rib bone at the front/side (not the front/side where the cartilage attaches from rib to
sternum/breast bone)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Spring has Arrived

A little late in posting but Spring is finally here. The weather is a little warmer now and the grass is growing like it's weed hehe

I have to get my grass cut soon as it hasn't been cut for a couple months due to the wet weather we had over the Winter.
I will be trying to get outside more now and making the most of it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Job work in Process - Phone Calls Update

A busy day today which was good, had a hair appt this morning and did some other things this afternoon. I also had three conversations with another Community OT called C who helped me out. She had talked to T from Workbridge saying that I need their OT to come and do the work place assessment as my Community OT doesn't do that, they do Home assessments only. T from Workbridge and T from Work and Income talked and got back to C. C rang me at the end of the afternoon telling me that the Workbridge OT will do the work place assessment and I just need to wait for her to contact me.

S rang me this evening too and I updated her with the above info.

Hurt My Rib Area

I had Wheelchair Service over this afternoon about 4pm to replace my seat and back on my manaul chair and fix the loose rim. It took them 4 trips to complete this job as they got the wrong parts, but it's all fixed now.

The tech was putting new rubber push handles on as he had to remove the old to get the back seat cover off the back canes. The chair kept moving as he was hitting the rubber push handles on with a hammer and he asked me to hold the chair still as much as I can. I was sitting side on and twisted my upper body so I could rest my right hand on the seat of the chair and I had my left hand on the armrest and when the tech hit the rubber push handle and the chair moved forward as I couldn't hold it still and I heard a 'pop' type noise and felt a sharp pain in my rib area and shortness od breath for a minute or two
. I then hurt every move I did. humm not sure what I've done. Hopefully I haven't broken anything and it heals fast as this is slowing me down.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Job work in Process - Phone Calls

Today I did some phone calls to get more information so I know what steps to take next. I'm stressed out a bit as this is more work than I expected to get into a job.

I talked to T from Workbridge asking her what is going on and T said that my application is open, not accepted or declined BUT I have to first look else where for funding support. S my support worker didn't quite give me the right information on Friday so I'm glad I talked to T myself. I asked about my transport funding and T said that Workbridge will probably be able to fund that still. Basically T needs a written letter from Work and Income stating they 'will' or they 'won't' fund equipment then T can get my application accepted or declined depending on Work and Income outcome.

I have contacted my Community OT R and talked to her about the job and workstation. I've asked her to meet me at the work place sometime soon and give me a recommended report on equipment/desks/tray/laptop etc that will suit my working needs. Once this is done we can move on to the next step.

I then contacted T (Employment Co-ordinator) from Work and Income and talked to her about the above and asked her what the Modifications Grant is for. I don't think I need this grant as I don't need any permanent modifications done to the work place. T said the first step is to get the report letter from my OT then call her back and she can tell me if Work and Income will be able to help me or not, then we can go from there.

I went up to the Work place today and got photos in case I need them.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sports Practice Today

Today wheelchair sports was even better than the usual practices as today we had plenty of player's turn up. We were finally able to play 5 vs 5 with positions, which we haven't been able to do in over 2 years!!!

In hockey our team decided to change positions at times to give each other a go in a different area on the court. Our team did really well and we won the hockey. We had another new player turn up too who really enjoyed playing hockey today.

We then played balloon soccer but we didn't play positions, everyone plays everywhere, it was fun even though our team took the loss.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Job work in Process - Workbridge Meeting Update

Well I just got a call this morning from my support person S letting me know that the T from Workbridge I met on Monday said that Workbridge won't fund any equipment for me as they are the last source of funding!!!! For god's sake, why didn't Workbridge tell me this before I even completed the Job Support Application form and got all the other pieces of information I needed. Why didn't T not ring me herself and tell me the day after our meeting? she had all my contact details as well.

We were told to go to Work and Income to try the Modifications Grant to help get the equipment. I googled this and read about what the grant is for etc. It sounds like it might work but then again there are a few issues that come into it. The workstation is the biggest thing that needs changing or a tray/desk funded for me. I also need a ID's and other stuff to attach to my application...so here we go all over again. I'm meant to start in October.

I almost feel like turning the job down and looking for another job that has a better size work area!! Getting equipment and transport funding is just as hard as finding a freakin job.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Job work in Process - Workbridge Meeting

Today I met up with a lady (will name her T) from Workbridge to talk about funding for equipment for me to use at work and a workstation. I had my support person (which we will name S) with me too. We met at the job place so she could see where I'll be working. I had most of the 'Job Support Application' filled out and had everything else that I needed to attach to the form all ready. We talked about trasnport to and from work and the workstation. T accepted my Job Support Application.

An OT from Workbridge will contact me sometime soon to met me at the workplace to look at the office and see what is needed for my needs to work there.

I checked out the back to see where the taxi could drop me off and pick me up and checked some other things out before I left. I needed to change my hours and that was all good and I start in October.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Dinner at Peral Garden Yum Cha

I went to my friend's 22nd birthday dinner last night at Peral Garden Yum Cha. Dad and I went and it was a very nice night out and a yummy dinner. I was able to catch up with another friend who went, so that was good. We had a Banquet of different dishes and they were all good.

One of the Harley Davidson Owner's Group members was at Peral Garden Yum Cha too and came over to me to say hello, it was good to see them again, it's been about 5 yrs since I last saw him and his wife.

Beijing Paralympic Games 2008 Opening Ceremony

I watched a replay of the Beijing Paralympic Games 2008 Opening Ceremony today. The ceremony was really good, it's Paralympic theme was of "Transcendence, Equality and Integration."

The cauldron is lit by Chinese Athletics athlete Hou Bin. He uses a wheelchair and pulled himself up to the cauldron via some rope, all on his own.
I saw the NZ team enter the bird's Nest and saw some athletes I knew. I look forward to watching some of these games on tv one over the week.

Some fireworks going off

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Job work in Process

I've been in contact with Workbridge trying to sort out things for my work as I will need a workstation and other equipment to help me work. I have a meeting next week with a lady from Workbridge to fill out a 'Job Application Form' which needs support letters attached. Once this form has been processed (may take up to two weeks) Workbridge will orgainse a Community OT to meet me at the workplace and see what is needed for me to work.

Over the last week I have got quotes for some equipment I think I will need, getting support letters started and getting other things ready to attach to the application form. The quicker I get the application form in and the OT out the quicker I can start.

I've been waiting for my work contract and I recieved it this afternoon. So I have almost everything now. My next battle is finding some transport to and from work with a taxi company that can fit me in around school runs.